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31 Physician Assistant Personal Statement Examples
Below, are 31 PA school application essays and personal statements pulled from our FREE personal statement and essay collaborative comments section. This is an unedited sample of PA school essay submissions, meant to provide you with some insight into how other applicants are approaching their CASPA personal statements. Real World PA School Personal Statements These […]
Physician Assistant Student: The Ultimate Resource
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Physician Assistant Pearls: My Notes and Stuff!
These are quick notes I take when I attend conferences or find some info that I want to jot down for later. I often do not proof read and I write fast. So please any information you take from here should be carefully cross-checked for accuracy. If you are interested in adding to this leave […]
13 Provocative PA School Personal Statement Expressions
Highlight Your PA Shadowing Experience in your CASPA Personal Statement How do you know you’ll be a good PA unless you’ve seen one in action? By shadowing – taking the time to follow a physician assistant through her day to observe what her work is really like. When we interviewed admissions directors for our book “How to Write Your Physician […]
Generative AI and PA School Applications: What You Need to Know
Should PA school applicants use AI tools to write their personal statement? Get clarity on what’s allowed versus prohibited and why authenticity matters most.
How to Study for Your PANCE: Podcast Episode 79
If you can’t see the audio player click here to listen to the full episode. Podcast Episode 79: How to Study for Your PANCE Welcome to episode 79 of the Audio PANCE and PANRE PA Board Review Podcast. In this episode 35-year PA veteran and PANCE/PANRE board review expert Joe Gilboy PA-C shares his top […]
The Best Medical Gear for Practicing Physician Assistants
The PA Medical Kit – What you need in your bag -The Very Best Tools, Equipment and Gear – for Physician Assistant Students and Practicing Physician Assistants. Stethoscope, Diagnostic Sets, Penlights, Reflex Hammers, Blood Pressure Cuffs.
The Best Apps for Physician Assistant Students and PA Professionals
The Augmented PA If you haven’t noticed, the medical app business is booming, and for good reason. As physician assistant students, PAs, or practicing medical professionals, we need to synthesize a tremendous amount of data and be able to recall it in a pinch. We are short on time, overloaded with information, and expected to […]
5 Ways to Save Money On PA School Textbooks
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from T.J Matsumoto of PA Cents. How to Get The Most Book for Your Buck! There are a lot of expenses when starting PA school and typically not a lot of income. According to the data, the cost of PA school textbooks (including some supplies) is in the […]
7 Rules You Must Follow While Writing Your PA School Essay
You know you’re in a war, right? PA school, once a bastion for rebels looking to buck the normal medical school model is now more competitive than ever. The CASPA application is full of standard metrics like GPA, GRE scores, prerequisite requirements, and college transcripts which make it hard to differentiate yourself from the pack. […]
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their ‘Personally identifiable information’ (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, […]
Mock PA School Interview With Pre-PA Kassidy Anthony
Welcome to the second video in our Mock PA School Interview Series: Ten blog posts featuring ten amazing Pre-PAs who have graciously shared their recorded mock PA school interviews with one singular intention: To help you achieve success on your path to PA school and be more confident on the day of your PA school interview. Today’s […]
50 PA School Supplemental Essay Prompts You Need to Know
If you are applying to PA school, you know that writing a strong personal statement is not enough. You also need to craft compelling supplemental essays that showcase your fit for each program and highlight your unique strengths and experiences. Supplemental essays are extra questions asked by individual PA programs to find out more about […]
Why Our Program? How to Answer This Common Supplemental Essay and Interview Question
Why our program? As you begin your PA school application process, one of the most common supplemental essay and interview questions you may encounter is, “Why our program?” This is an opportunity for you to explain why you are specifically interested in attending that particular college or university and why it is a good fit […]
FREE PANCE and PANRE Practice Exam
Want 100’s of more questions just like these? Join Smarty PANCE Complete the next 90 questions to get your score – Gain full access to all my interactive board review exams including the audio PANCE and PANRE and the brand new Virtual PANCE and PANRE.
Sticker Shock Alert! This is The Real Cost of Applying to PA School in 2024
PA students will encounter a number of costs along the way to enrolling in physician assistant/associate (PA) school. Here’s a look at what these costs are and some ways you can save money on your PA school application.
How Many PANCE and PANRE Practice Exams Should You Take?
Along with practice questions, taking full-length PANCE and PANRE practice tests is an indispensable part of preparing for the PANCE and PANRE. How many full-length mock exams should you take, though? And how often? Let’s use a sports analogy to shed some light on these important questions. What Sports Teams Can Teach Us About PANCE and PANRE […]
The Power of Picmonics Plus Get 20% OFF!
Let’s start with a simple question… You’re studying for your PANCE exam, and you need to memorize 1000’s of clinical pearls from 467 topics covering 13 content blueprint organ systems, the culmination of two years of hard work and endless pimping from sadistic, but well-intentioned, attending physicians. How, exactly do you go about memorizing all this […]
The PA School Essay Booster 48 Hour Webinar Attendee Discount
Hi, and Welcome Attendees of the PA school Essay Booster Webinar! As a special gift for the next 48 hours, you can use the code “essaybooster” at checkout for 10% OFF any of our PA school essay editing services. To apply this coupon code chose the editing service you wish to purchase, add it to […]
ChatGPT Answers the Top 46 PA School Applicant Interview Questions
Just be yourself! This is the one piece of interview advice we have all heard a gazillion times. Maybe you heeded this advice but failed to get into PA school. Or, maybe, like many, advice to “just be oneself” while examining one’s greatest weaknesses doesn’t’ bode well for confidence? Be myself? But who’s that exactly? […]
31 (NEW) CASPA PA School Personal Statement Examples
Several years ago, I published a blog post titled 31 Physician Assistant Personal Statement Examples, which has been viewed over half a million times. The chance to read other people’s PA school essays proved so enticing that we even wrote a book about it. It’s called 101 CASPA PA school personal statement examples and is […]
How to Write a Personal Statement Intro that Readers Want to Read
You’ve probably heard the advice that you should open your personal statement with a story or anecdote. This story should “grab” your readers’ interest, tell them who you are, and help pivot to the main theme: what brings you to the PA profession. That’s a lot to ask of one anecdote, and choosing the right […]
The DO’S and DON’TS of the PANCE and PANRE Examination
What do you think? While taking your PANCE or PANRE should you change your answer if you have a good reason to do so? The DO’S and DON’TS of the PANCE and PANRE Examination The following DO’S and DON’TS are excerpted from the wonderful Lange Q&A Physician Assistant Examination Board Review Book and summarize important points you should always […]
Practicing Physician Assistant Resources
Tools and Resources Practicing PAs As physician assistants, we have the best career in the world. But even though you have made it through the PA school years, there is still work to be done to maintain certification, manage debt, attain CME, prepare a professional resume and cover letter, enter an optional PA residency program and continue […]
The Costco Vitamin and Supplement Shopper: Patient Cheat Sheet
When it comes to vitamins I am not big on all the hype. That being said, I am a big fan of supplemental vitamin D3 and fish oil for most patients. I have some other recommendations in this area as well, as you will see below. The key though is compliance and in the world […]
The Physician Assistant Essay and Personal Statement Collaborative
Are you ready to get started? Choose your package, and we will begin today! Single Edit One-on-one Service Supplemental Essays Your success is our passion. (See just some of our 100’s of testimonials and comments below). We are ready to help. Our current PA school essay editing service status (): Accepting New Submissions (Photo: Me circa 1987, […]
Inside Out: How to use Pixar’s Rules of Storytelling to Improve your PA Personal Statement
Want a better PA personal statement? Inside Out can help! We explore Pixar’s rules for storytelling and how you can apply them to a strong personal statement. Riley is an 11-year-old girl whose life is turned upside down when her family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco. Riley’s emotions try to guide her through this […]
The Physician Assistant Job or PA School Interview – Email Etiquette
mail is unequivocally the number one technology you must be brilliant at if you are to succeed throughout the PA school interview or job application process. For that reason, you need to be VERY careful when you use email as part of a job search effort or part of your PA school application process. It […]