Download The Expert Panel Companion Workbook
Twelve PA school admissions directors interviews and twelve rules to writing your physician assistant personal statement
Learning what Admissions Directors and PA school faculty want in your personal statement is only the first step!
We have created this accompanying workbook to help you put this advice into action.
Twelve interactive workbook chapters to make your essay shine
- Know your audience - how to know the program(s) you are applying to, and what they are Looking for in an applicant
- It was a dark and stormy night in the back of the ambulance - how to cut the drama
- When I was 10 I had my tonsils removed - finding your focus
- "I have a passion to serve" - avoiding platitudes
- What? You could have been a doctor? Why PA?
- So, you volunteered at a food pantry
- It's not only about what you want
- I bombed my junior year and other abnormalities
- This isn't your first rodeo - how to approach reapplying
- Getting from A-2 and connecting the dots
- Writing is rewriting - editing your personal statement
- Little things are big - spelling and grammar errors that are unacceptable
Note: This is a companion to our book How to Write Your Physician Assistant Personal Statement (available on Amazon)