Hi, and welcome to the PA school personal statement collaborative essay revision service
We are the original PA school essay editing service, and unlike other revision services, we differentiate ourselves by offering a team of highly skilled professional writers with years of experience working directly with PA school applicants like yourself. We have edited 1000's of PA school essays and are experts in CASPA and the PA school admissions process.
You have reached our one-time revision service purchasing page. Follow this link if you would like to read more about the PA personal statement collaborative.
One-Time Personal Statement Editing and Revision
A one-time edit consists of so much more than a typical correction of grammar and spelling.
Not only do we correct those mistakes, but we also highlight issues such as the need for transitions and/or additional information, and identify awkward writing, flow, or theme problems.
To ensure your essay shines, we will illustrate ways to address all these issues. We may also request additional information prior to editing in order to offer suggestions to make your essay complete.
You may add additional edits through our discounted rate of $30 per edit or choose the one-on-one service that includes up to four hours of phone consultation and real-time collaboration.
If you are confident in your essay and just want an experienced set of eyes to look it over to ensure it's solid, a one-time edit is a smart choice.
We also offer a one-on-one editing process which is similar but more involved. If there are concerns about the theme, a lack of confidence in the flow, or if you simply want to be more involved in the editing process, this may be the better choice.
Our goal is to help you make your essay unique. You can read many testimonials from our clients that will hopefully give you a good sense of the quality of our work.
FREE Bonus ($65 value): When you purchase one of our revision services you will receive a free digital copy of our How to Write Your Physician Assistant Personal Statement eBook, audiobook, and workbook + our latest book, 101 PA School Essays!
Questions? Just drop me a line at [email protected]