Hey, You PA School Procrastinators You know who you are — squeaking under deadlines by a nanosecond, feeling compelled to vacuum, or worse (when truly in the grips of avoidance), deciding to clean the toilet rather than tackle that pesky research paper. Believe me, as a recovering procrastinator, I can relate. Join the club When […]
Archives for October 2015
238 Free Online Science, Math and Pre-Medical Courses
Below is a comprehensive list of over 238 free online science, math and premedical courses. Many of these are geared to the pre-pa student, but there are several courses covering more advanced medical topics, such as the free Stanford Mini Med School, topics in endocrinology, brain and behavior, physiology, global health and genomics. Whether you are […]
9 Simple Steps to Avoid Silly Spelling and Grammar Goofs in Your PA School Personel Statement
Did you spot my grammar goof? If not take a second look at the title. You have spent days, weeks, and months writing and perfecting your personal (not personel) statement. You have slaved countless hours in front of the computer screen trying to shed a creative light on your background and highlight your experiences. Don’t […]
A Question for Physician Assistants: Why Are You In It?
Are you looking to make money as a physician assistant or are you seeking to make the world a better place with what you do? It’s an honest question, and the two options are very different. The latter involves being interested in giving value to someone other than yourself. The former involves doing anything and everything […]
Cardiology 1: The Audio PANCE and PANRE Podcast Topic Specific Review Episode 27
Welcome to episode 27 of the FREE Audio PANCE and PANRE Physician Assistant Board Review Podcast. Over the next few episodes I will be covering topic specific PANCE and PANRE review from the Academy course content following the NCCPA content blueprint. This week we will be covering 10 topic specific Cardiology board review questions. Below you […]