{Every now and then, I publish a series of cool links. Enjoy!}
PAs On The Web
A PA Tumbler blog with a hidden gem of great study guides (look at the links in the sidebar) I have compiled his study guides into my own dropbox folder to simplify the process. It includes things such as this simple yet brilliant Orthopedic Cheat Sheet. Thanks, Running PA!
Apple iOS Apps
"Figure 1" - Movable Science: Put concisely, Figure 1 is akin to an Instagram for medical photos. The iPhone app features a database of user-submitted images of medical pathology. It has an extra focus on patient privacy via automatic face-blocking and the in-app generation of privacy release forms. (totally cool!)
Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology (iPad and iPhone): Dermatologic conditions can often be confusing, especially to medical trainees and less experienced physicians. Many rashes can look similar to the untrained eye, and it is important to distinguish between serious conditions and more benign ones. This app provides a fairly comprehensive look at the most common dermatologic conditions. It comes complete with color photos and explanations of the associated conditions, including epidemiology, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, and management.
A Physician Assistant colleague and friend of mine penned this short guide titled: Seasons of Pain. It "exposes an epidemic of pain, that I think has been largely overlooked by the healthcare system." I can definitely attest to this.
I would also highly recommend this book: The Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain I am listening to it on audible right now, and it is a wonderful read about what we should learn in PA school but never do.
Grief activity books for kids.
A year of living without If you ever thought something like, “Oh, I could never give up cheese!” (or coffee, or sugar, or your car, or TV, or Facebook, or the Internet). "And I’m faced with a year of learning that, perhaps, none of it is true. We can give up that which we hold dearly to. We can push those boundaries, and feel them push back, and be OK with the push."
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