International Physician Assistants (PAs), Physician Associates, and Advanced Care Providers
Infographic demonstrating the international development of the physician assistant profession.
A graphical comparison of the countries where PAs can work, train, and practice around the globe. Including country-specific title, United States PA practice authority in that country, PA salary, number of physician assistants or physician associate programs, number of practicing PAs, country-specific prescription rights, professional association name, certification exams, certification maintenance requirements and whether or not they observe a national PA day/week (spoiler alert there are only two that do). Enjoy and please share!
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That is totally incorrect for Irish PA salary,its 30,000 less.
Hi Paul! Do you have a link to Irish PA salary data that I can reference?
Do you know what the global average salary of a PA is?
Says ‘can US PAs practice in Canada’ on the UK slide 😀 It’s a yes too btw.
Thank’s Anna, I had somebody compile the original infographic for me and I didn’t realize there were so many errors. I have updated the infographic and (I believe) fixed all the errors. I appreciate the heads up very much! Let me know if you see any more errors which may need updating.
Hi Stephen,
There’s an error on the Ireland infographic in the salary section, it says “Saudi Arabia PA salary”
Thank you Sarah! I will try to get this updated in V 2.0! 😀