If you're applying to PA school in 2023-2024, then the time will come when you need to write an engaging supplemental essay(s).
But what should you write about? And how can you make sure your supplemental essay stands out from the rest?
Earlier this year, Deanna Matzen (editor extraordinaire at the PA Life and newly minted PA program admissions director) hosted this fantastic online seminar discussing strategies for writing a successful supplemental essay for PA school.
PA School Supplemental Essay Strategies (Webinar Replay)
Topics included in this webinar:
- Purpose
- Common supplemental essay questions
- Before you begin strategies
- Examples
- Why Our Program?
- How do your background, experiences, and identities match or support our mission (and other variations)?
- Weaknesses/Deficiencies
- Significant life experiences
- Tell us anything you want us to know
- Motivation to work with the underserved
- What do you bring to the cohort/DE&I?
- Creative autobiography
Three points from this brief webinar intro - Start with an outline before you get started, write a thesis statement (a.k.a super-topic/summary), and conclude with your purpose (root it in your vision for your PA career and why that school will help you achieve your goals).
And remember, be succinct! Limit paragraphs to < 250 words or < 1000 characters and spaces, don't repeat the prompt, and follow the "rule of 3."
If you need help getting started or want someone to review your work before submitting it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our supplemental editing service.
We wish you the best of luck as you apply to PA school and look forward to hearing about your success!
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