As applicants to PA school, we have a lot on our plate.
Between prerequisite coursework, health care experience requirements, shadowing, volunteering, and more - it's a lot to keep track of!
This is where The Ultimate PA School Applicant Logbook comes in.
This logbook was designed by PA school applicants (who know the process intimately!) to help you keep track of everything you need to do to apply to PA school.
It includes space to log/organize all your prerequisite coursework, health care experience hours, shadowing, and volunteer hours.
There is space to log important notes of your most memorable moments, meaningful things patients have said, constructive criticism, times when you were struggling, and experiences that reaffirmed your desire to pursue a career as a PA. This will be invaluable while writing your personal statement and preparing for your PA school interview.
Plus, there are tabs to help identify and sort among the various PA schools you plan to apply to along with a handy PA program cost comparison analysis so you can keep your budget on track!
Don't let the PA school application process overwhelm you, or worse, lose track of all your hard work! The Ultimate PA School Applicant Logbook (AKA enhanced Google Tracking Spreadsheet) will help you stay organized and on track with your PA school application process every step of the way!
And the best part, it is entirely free!
Click here to access the spreadsheet, make a copy to your Google Drive, and streamline your application process.
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