Are you looking for the perfect gift for that special PA, PA student, or soon to be physician assistant in your life? Look no further below are my favorite, time tested, and PA approved products.
Tools and Resources
Interactive Map of State Constituent Chapters of the AAPA
As part of the PA School application process, I urge all applicants to join both the AAPA and their local state constituent chapter of the AAPA. To make the research process a bit easier, I have created a clickable map of all 56 AAPA State Constituent Chapters including direct links to their websites. You can […]
The Turkey Book – An Introductory Manual for The Wards
What do you get if you “Gobble” instead of Google? In honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend, I thought it was the perfect time to give you my combined copy of the “The Turkey Book”. Designed to assist medical students on their clinical rotations the “Turkey Book”, as it is called, is a wonderful compilation […]
The Physician Assistant Applicant Attack Plan: Personalized Goal Sheet
Do you remember your New Year’s resolutions from January 1st? It probably went something like this: After waking up slightly (or seriously) hungover, you said to yourself, “this is the year I’m going to get into PA school!” or “this is the year I’m going to finish all my PA school prerequisites.” Maybe it was “I’m […]
Physician Assistant Application Letter of Recommendation Samples: Applying to PA School
PA School Letters of Reference Here are two letters of recommendation I received when applying to PA school. I am not posting them here to fluff my feathers but merely to serve as an example of what I included as part of my actual PA school application. A great letter of recommendation weighs heavily in your favor. […]
Teens in Crisis: Emergency Telephone, Text and Web Resources Available to all Teenagers
If you are a teen in crisis or counseling a teen in crisis please reach out to one of these organizations below The Covenant House (Opening doors for homeless youth) Homeless kids come to Covenant House in crisis. Immediately and without question, they meet their basic human needs – a nourishing meal, a shower, […]
31 Online Medical Calculators for Physician Assistants
A comprehensive list of medical calculators for the busy Physician Assistant (Just in case you forgot your iPhone) Absolute Neutrophil Count Calculator: A calculator for determining absolute neutrophil count (ANC). Absolute Reticulocyte Count Calculator:A calculator for determining absolute reticulocyte count (ARC). Anion Gap Calculator: A calculator for determining anion gap. Asthma Management Calculator: 12 Years of […]